Deschapelles Meeting

October 21, 2019


Present:  Carol Macksey, Debbie Cummings, Judy Ruehl, Diane Thaller, Doris Kehoe, Linda Woodham, Sandy Orr, Pat Neuman and Phyllis Bishop.  Erna Herre was also present as a non- Board member.
Meeting called to order at 2:45 and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Membership Report:  Deschapelles currently has 206 members.
                                       2 Members are new
                                       1 Member has died
                                       88 Members paid their 2020 dues in September
Treasurer’s Report:     With the increase in playing fees, Deschapelles has a current balance
                                       of $5405.58   This is a $320 increase in profit over last quarter.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Hospitality Report:      The Christmas party will be held on December 9th.
                                       Pat Neuman and Sandy Orr will collect for the party beginning November 1st.  Pairs may either pay $8 each or one (or both) may bring food.  Members may sign up to bring desserts, salads, or appetizers.  Any non-member coming to the Christmas party will be charged $15 plus $8 to play.
                                       Sandy and Pat will purchase all necessary items for the luncheon such as plates.
                                       Setup will begin at 8:30 the morning of the 9th.  Carol Macksey, Doris Kehoe, Judy Ruehl, Phyllis Bishop and Sue Hermans will help with the setup.  Linda Woodham will help with cleanup.  Debbie Cummings reminded the Board Members that someone will need to ask to Tonya to come in early on this day.
                                       Judy Ruehl reported that the calendars and pens have been purchased and are in the back room.  It was decided that the calendars and pens would be given to Members as they pay their dues and those who have already paid may also receive them.  Doris Kehoe and Jeanne Weyers will be collecting dues on November 1st and will record to whom they give the calendar and pens. 

New Business:               Judy Ruehl had received a request to remove the “invitation only” from Deschapelles.  Debbie Cummings reported that this is an ACBL designation and the calendar reads “invitational.”  The Board agreed to keep the designation.
                                    Director Playing:  This is an infrequent event, but the Deschapelles policy is that the director will not play unless there is no other possibility.
                                    Partnership Chair:  This is a non-issue with Deschapelles as most members have their partners booked.  Anyone whose partner is unable to play should contact the director for possible partners.  Debbie Wiest will be directing during Debbie Cummings’ absence.
                                    Acting Secretary:  Since Phyllis Bishop will be out of town for the March Board meeting, she requested that someone fill in.  Sandy Orr volunteered.
                                    Rude Behavior:  Sandy and Pat brought up that several women have reported that they do not wish to play as some of the members are rude.  Members must report rude behavior either to the Director or to a Board member.  If necessary, a Board member will talk to that person ~ although we were reminded that several of our members have memory issues and physical issues that may make their behavior seem rude.
2020 Meeting:            March 16th, August 17th and October 19th
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Bishop