Potter Orr 271.6318

Potter Orr 271.6318 Chris Schwartz 513.675.2597
AJ Stpehani 513.313.0488 Debbie Cummings 859.331.0558
Adrienne Netherwood 703.9508 John Burpee 677.8240
Betty Hurst 859.331.7557 Ev Kitchen 469.2392
Mike Lipp 225.6452 John Stoppielo 513.868.9638
Mike Purcell 702.4007 Barb Levinson 530.0953
Gayle Keaney 522.9590 Jean Sturtevant 859.261.7548
Potter Orr 271.6318 Potter Orr 271.6318

Call the person directly below you on the list.  Gayle & Jean call Potter to let him know the message has made it through the tree.

If you get a spouse or answering machine, leave a message but call the next name down the list TOO!