CBA Minutes February 11,2014

The meeting was called to order at 5:10 P.M. 
Present:  Stephani, Wisner,Levinson,Meinking,Purcell,Manne, Moese and  Orr as advisor.  Wilson was with on the telephone. Absent: Mess
Three Priorities
   1) Steve Moese Master Plan
  Discussion was held about whether to leave the monthly activity sheet in its present format or put it on a calendar page.  Steve felt the flyer style easier for the preparer.  A request will go out to directors for their March games and the flyer style will be repeated for that month.  AJ sent an email to all the outlying directors explaining that if they did not respond, their games would not be included on the flyer. We will continue to investigate other formats which should be easy to prepare and understood by the members
   2) Comer Committee
A committee met informally after a request by the Comers to help them grow their Thursday evening game. A couple of suggestions were made. An IMP game should be tried to introduce players to that method of scoring.  Perhaps the NLM game could be restarted.
   3)Relationship between Unit 124 (Cincinnati Bridge Association) and our Sanction Holders
We need to be clear about what the problems and priorities are and where we want to be in the future.  Why would we consider changing the status quo?  The board brainstormed and came up with a list which is put here in the order written and  has not ben coordinated or culled. It is basically as posted:
   Sanction holders are resistant to change -- decline in table count --- increase costs of running CBA --- lease renewal --- we/they --- skin in the game/who bears the risk/entitlement mentality --- no incentive for Sanction Holder growth --- lack of involvement --- absence of an operations manager (therefore everyone calls the President) --- lack of central coordination --- no uniform promotion plan --- building lease expiration --- CBA/CBC finance separation --- recruiting new members ---  director skills/questionable game management --- lack of opportunity/future director grooming --- sanction holder demographics --- lack of flexibility --- financial dead weight loss
President’s Report
   Weather has adversely affected our revenue.  The sanction holder should be asked to contact Potter or Steve in a timely manner to put weather related information on the website.
CBC Event Schedule
   We will plan to include all special National and extra point games in addition or in place of regularly scheduled games.
Technology Coordinator Report - Potter
   The new “Dealer Four” duplicating machine is up and running.  The computer in the director’s room is getting old and will probably need replacement soon.  We authorized expenditure if necessary.  Ron Manne and Bob Prosise were thanked for their efforts in getting the blue chairs redone.
Investment Committee - John Meinking
   John was appointed to investigate how the CBA might invest our PNC money for more substantial growth than we have at present,
Treasurers Report - Susan Wisner
   The reports were on our website for us to print out.Susan explained that our board has done a good job on expense control.  She will report on an accrual basis which will make it easier to compare table count with matching revenue.
Education Committee - Mike Purcell
   Mike announced the New to Duplicate program on Saturday morning February 15th which will be repeated in May.  There will also be a New to Bridge workshop sometime in April.
Tournament Committee - Aj Stephani
   The next STAC will be the week of February 17th under the Dayton sanction.  A NLM Sectional is sanctioned and at present Stephanie Richardson will chair the event.  Other future Cincinnati tournaments include the Flying Pig Regional and the Northern Kentucky Sectional. 
Mentor/Mentee (Future Master) Event - Barb Levinson
   Initial plans are underway with the same format as last year.  The July 13th game will be 100% sectionally rated with triple points.
  The meeting was adjourned.
Barbara Levinson