Cincinnati Bridge Association:     Board of Directors Meeting

 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 2009


Board President Potter Orr called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

 Members present: John Burpee, Debbie Cummings, Patti English, Betty Hurst, Gayle Keaney, Everitt Kitchen, Barb Levinson, Adrienne Netherwood, Potter Orr, Mike Purcell, Chris Schwartz, AJ Stephani, , and Jean Sturtevant. Members Absent: John Stoppiello


The August minutes were approved.


About 30 telephone responses have been received to recent ads for education classes.  This level is about 50% lower than for previous ads.     


Interviews with directors and inputs from members will be reviewed to evaluate reactions to extra points games conducted in September. 


Concerns were expressed by board members that the total number of extra cost games has been excessive due in part to about 33 NAP qualifiers this year.  Recommendations were made that the board establish levels for next year.


At the district meeting our board’s concern was reported that a sectional not be scheduled the weekend before our regional, but no specific action was taken.    The district reps are discussing the possibility of the district funding and running the NAP themselves without an auxiliary Sectional. Our club has been given the responsibility for the NAP for 2010.  A suggestion was made that we consider conducting the sectional and NAP in September in 2010 when fewer competing tournaments appear to exist.


The Northern KY. Club is purchasing 18 tables worth of Bridge Mate electronic scoring devices after completing a successful experiment with them.  They likely will choose not to incorporate an update to the software that will be available in November.  Our board’s evaluation committee for electronic devices was asked to make a recommendation at the next meeting about the use of electronic scoring devices for our club.  A straw vote of board members’ opinions to date showed 6 members favoring proceeding toward use of the devices, 2 believing they are a waste of time now, and 5 neutral. 


The board voted to appoint Anirudh Pandit as treasurer replacing Adrienne Netherwood who is resigning as treasurer.  Patrick Hoffmann, the second candidate, with reported equal qualifications for the position but less luck in the deciding coin toss, will be asked by President Potter to run for the third open board slot in the upcoming election. 


Chairs, chairs, wonderful chairs.  We need 30-50 new chairs to replace broken blue ones.  At next month’s board meeting we expect to have a sitting evaluation and choose between a $40 version and a $100 version with a heavier frame and more padding.


December 9 has been set as the date for the Holiday party.  Buffet service will be used, price will be $25, and board members will supply desserts.


Barb Levinson volunteered to be nominated to serve on the Good Will Committee of ACBL.


Our 18 trophies have been rehung with updated engravings for year 2008 designees.  A new life master board and plaques with the same design as those of past years has been purchased.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.


Everitt Kitchen , Recording Secretary