Cincinnati Bridge Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the December 10, 2007 meeting



President Patti English called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm at the Iron Horse Inn in Glendale.


Members present:

Patti English, Potter Orr, Barb Levinson, Bob VeVerka, John Burpee, Debbie Cummings, Pat Dutson, Adrienne Netherwood, Mike Lipp, Pat Newman, Everitt Kitchen, Mike Purcell, Betty Hurst


Members absent:

Tom Deddens, Carolyn Ahlert



The minutes from the last meeting were approved.


Treasurer’s Report

No Report




¨           Patti thanked Carolyn and Tom for their contributions to the Board for the last three years.


¨           She also thanked the sixteen volunteers who showed up this past Sunday to clean the Bridge Center.


¨           The sectional revised profit was $1742.


¨           John Burpee reported that the UAW Hall 647 on Reading Road is available for $1350 for our sectional. A three year contract will be signed.  The site has several advantages over the Sharonville Convention Center, most importantly our ability to bring food in the facility.


¨           Mike Lipp reported that there was one Zero Tolerance incident concerning a director.  No further action is required.


¨           The Charity Game date will be determined and held in June or July.


¨           Nine trustees reviewed the old and new constitution, and met to draft a new constitution which will be sent to the ACBL for approval and then voted upon by our membership at our annual meeting later next year.



¨           A new copier was purchased. Mike Lipp reported that he did not know how to use it. Debbie will prepare some instructions.


¨           Holiday Party on December 16 – Trustees were asked to bring desserts.  There was some discussion about comments about not using Kenwood. It was agreed that next year we will price out the cost and determine if members would support the party at the Country Club at a higher cost.


¨           Larry Kline is the new facilities manager. He appears enthusiastic about the job, and Pat Newman suggested that we all use him, and not do things ourselves.


¨           The Awards party will be March 25. 


¨           A motion was made to give Tonya $300 for Christmas. All approved.


¨           Annease is concerned about Thursday night attendance. Pat Newman says she will play two times a month on Thursday night, and encourages others to do the same.


¨           Debbie is the new Supply Manager.



The meeting was adjourned about 7:15 when the salads were served.  The new board will convene December 11 after the entrée to elect officers and discuss the calendar.


Respectfully submitted,




Robert F. VeVerka

Recording Secretary