Cincinnati Bridge Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the October 14, 2008 meeting



Patti English called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm


Members present:

Patti English, Barb Levinson, Mike Purcell, Mike Lipp, John Burpee, Debbie Cummings, Adrienne Netherwood, Pat Newman, Jean Sturtevant, John Stoppiello, Betty Hurst, Bob VeVerka, Potter Orr


Members absent:

Gayle Keaney, Everitt Kitchen


The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved.




Thanks to Bob and Betty for the Mentor/Mentee program. All felt it was successful. 

Congrats to Amit for getting out the first new Alert…job well done!


Committee Reports


Pat Newman says everything is ready to go for Octoberbest.  She also explained what a 5X5 was.


John Burpee says he needs help with cleanup for Sunday Octoberbest and asks everyone to respond.  He also asks that everyone funnel their comments on Alert through him, since he is a liaison to the board.  John is creating a promotion plan for the winter classes.


Mike reviewed the rationale for changing his proposal.  He has asked Nancy, Linda, and Rob to prepare a proposal for a unified curriculum for beginners and intermediate level players.  He reviewed a change to the existing guidelines for teachers. The board approved all the provisions with the exception of #6 – Rent to CBA.  Mike will make a recommendation to the board for inclusion an appropriate rent payment at the next meeting.


Barbara recommended that the Membership committee be dissolved since all information required for this is now readily available.


Patti asked if there was someone interested in chairing the Electronic Scoring initiative, and no one volunteered.


Old Business

Patti asked Potter to proceed to start preparing the Policy & Procedure manual with the anticipation that the new constitution will be passed.


Adrienne recommends that she prepare 1099 for directors for the 2009 fiscal year.  She will set up her books to record payments for directors and others who receive compensation from CBA.




New Business


The board approved Rob Weidenfelds request to start a Sunday Game, using CBA’s sanction. The CBA will remain the club Manager for this sanction.


The Christmas dinner is December 8.


The Board approved a $20 increase for Tom Deddens since he is now a certified director.


The meeting was adjourned about 6:40pm.


The next meeting will be November 11, 2008


Respectfully submitted,




Robert F. VeVerka

CBA Recording Secretary